Friday, September 30, 2011

Beverly Dahlen Trading Cards

Fact-Simile Editions is pleased to announce that September's Poet Trading Card (#21 in the series) features San Francisco poet Beverly Dahlen.

Co-founder of the groundbreaking feminist poetics newsletter (HOW)ever and author of the ongoing serial poem, A Reading, Beverly Dahlen is a poetic force whose contributions to the field inspire and resonate across an ever widening spectrum.

These limited-edition poetic collectibles are printed on recycled paper and available for just 99 cents on our website.

Subscriptions to the entire 2011 series are just $10 plus shipping and, for you collectors out there, our 2010 cards are still available.

Best Regards,

Travis & JenMarie
Fact-Simile Editions

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fact-Simile #7 is Live

This issue features an interview with Fran Herndon by Elizabeth Robinson and new work from: Sarah Mangold, SJ Fowler, Janna Plant, Ryan Eckes, Eric Elshtain, Gregory Fraser, Michelle Disler, Travis Cebula, Dawn Pendergast, Cara Benson, Lindsay Winters, Matthew Johnstone, KJ Hannah Greenberg, Jamie Townsend, Laura Walker, Jeff Encke, Ed Baker and Andrew Topel.

We hope you enjoy it.

Best Regards,

Travis & JenMarie
Fact-Simile Editions

The O Mission Repo Recap

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our week long remembrance of The 9/11 attacks by taking advantage of our free downloadable ebook offering of The O Mission Repo. Over 200 of you took the time to read through this erasure of The 9/11 Commission Report.

While this limited-time promotion has concluded, you can still pick up a print copy of The O Mission Repo at our website for just $12 plus shipping.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The O Mission Repo FREE online

In honor of all who lost their lives and loved ones as a result of the September 11, 2001 attacks on America and in the two senseless wars perpetrated in response to that national tragedy, we here at Fact-Simile Editions would like to continue an annual tradition:

From this moment until September 18th, we are making The O Mission Repo, an erasure of The 9/11 Commission Report available for all to read free of charge.


The Editors
Fact-Simile Editions

Sunday, September 4, 2011

C. McAllister Williams Reading From Neon Augury

C. McAllister, winner of Fact-Simile Editions 2010 Equinox Chapbook Contest, reading from his glow-in-the-dark book Neon Augury at Moonstone Arts Center in Philadelphia on July 29, 2011..

Our 100th Post: 100 Thousand Poets For Change!