Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fanny Howe is March's Poet Trading Card

We here at Fact-Simile Editions are pleased announce the release of Fanny Howe's latest work: "26." as part of our ongoing Poet Trading Card series.

Author of more than 20 books of poetry (not to mention nearly as many works of fiction) and winner of the 2009 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, Fanny Howe "employs a sometimes fierce, always passionate, spareness in her lifelong parsing of the exchange between matter and spirit." (Michael Palmer)

This new poem from one of American poetry's most important voices is the March Poetry Trading Card from Fact-Simile Editions. These limited-edition poetic collectibles are printed on recycled paper and available for just 99 cents apiece on our website.

Subscriptions to the entire 2012 series are just $10 plus shipping and, as always, our 2010 and 2011 Poetry Trading Cards are still available individually or as a complete set.

Happy Reading,

Travis Macdonald & JenMarie Davis
Fact-Simile Editions