Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nathaniel Tarn is the 1st Trading Card of 2011

We here at Fact-Simile are pleased to announce that we will be continuing our Poetry Trading Card series in 2011. And so, without further ado, we present #13 in the series: poet, essayist, anthropologist and translator Nathaniel Tarn.

With a publication history that spans the last half-century, Nathaniel Tarn has left an indelible mark upon the pages of modern literary history. Recent titles include Ins and Outs of the Forest Rivers (New Directions), Avia (Shearsman) and The Embattled Lyric (Stanford University Press).

Now, with this latest, previously unreleased, poem, Nathaniel Tarn once again takes to the field. This limited-edition poetic collectible is available for just 99 cents (plus shipping) on our website.

Subscribe today to receive a new trading card in the mail each month during 2011. And, of course, 2010 cards are still available individually or as a complete set!

Best Regards,

Travis Macdonald & JenMarie Davis

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